Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Deathwing Terminators unit finished: Hobby Journal

Oh boy. Do you know how good it feels to write a post about a unit that i finally got around to finishing?  There are numerous units i have started over the years only to have fallen wayside and into section of the hobby shed i call the "Blues Box".  Not a physical box but more of a metaphoric box. All it consists of is the endless cycle that us hobbyists abide to. Buy-start-blues box-repeat.

But thankfully i took the finger out of my ass and said to myself "Spunge, finish this fucking unit for god sake". And that i did! i will admit i had a bit of the "hobby fear" to get the color of the armour nice and smooth but it worked out ok in the end.

The armour was painted with 2 layers of zandri dust with reikland fleshshade in the recesses.

Kept the bases simple using cork and adding lighter shades of grey. These terminators are from the starter set Dark Vengeance and i got that set when it was fist came out so it has been a project waiting to get started for some time.

To keep the 40K momentum going i'm planning on working on some more space marines. For the emperor!!!

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