Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Rebasing a Verminlord #1

The rebasing from Square to round bases still continues in the hobby shed. I have 4 skaven monsters to get rebased altogether, Thanquol & Boneripper, Hellpit Abomination  I had bought round bases of Ebay and they ended up being really big! A bit to big! So i decided fill the base out and make it a scenic base.

Old School Verminlord

This has got to be one of favourite ebay finds. I've loved this model from when i first started collecting Skaven. i usually hate working with the old metal models but this one was a joy to work on. Only part i had to change was his tail. His original tail was missing so i went looking through bit bitz box and funnily enough it was a piece from the new Verminlord kit that was a perfect fit!

Deathwing Terminators unit finished: Hobby Journal

Oh boy. Do you know how good it feels to write a post about a unit that i finally got around to finishing?  There are numerous units i have started over the years only to have fallen wayside and into section of the hobby shed i call the "Blues Box".  Not a physical box but more of a metaphoric box. All it consists of is the endless cycle that us hobbyists abide to. Buy-start-blues box-repeat.