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Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire The Sepulchral Guard!

Wow what a day it has been! We had live video  from warhammer tv showing the Kharadron Overlords and their battletome but first they showed a new video announcing the newest faction to Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire the The Sepulchral Guard!!

They are pretty amazing looking and are going to look great leading in the skeleton hordes to battle.
And these are the first models for Grand Alliance Death since Age of Sigmar began. If you think about it the only stand alone skeleton model we have from GW is the Wight King. The Grave Guard kinda stand out from normal skeletons but none of them look like individual characters. Im really looking to this release! Hopefully not too late in the year but GW's releases have been on rapid fire the last year so maybe the whole Shadespire release could be sooner than we hope for

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