5 Things I wish I’d
known when starting the hobby
I have been
doing this hobby for about 6 years’ now and I’d say I’m experienced at it a
little bit but when I started off I knew nothing! It took lots of trial and
error over the years to get my painting and hobby to a half decent level. So,
these are my 5 helpful bits of advice that I wish I’d known when I started the hobby
Persistence and don’t worry
This probably applies to every hobby but when you’re starting
off your first few attempts are probably gonna be pretty bad. I have a Space
Marine sergeant that was one of the first models I ever painted and it has a
brutal paint job on it but I will talk about him later. Painting can be
something that takes time, practice and persistence. Overtime your efforts will
improve and you will notice this by looking back at your older works. So don’t
get worked up about your painting early on. Just keep at, learn different
techniques and persist at it. Growing your painting skills is extremely rewarding