Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Bitz what are they for good for? Guardsman in a barrell

Well how ya's getting on?

Ah the good old bitz box. Have you got one?
Of course you do!
Everyone has one!
I have two big ones one for 40K and one for fantasy/AOS and a few smaller ones for bits from certain kits. Converting models with bitz is a big part of the hobby that everybody enjoys and im going to share some conversions i have done with some of the bitz i have

So what have i got to show this week for "Bitz what are they for good for?"
I present to you Guardsman in a barrell!

Blood Bowl 2 Clan Skurvy Vs Bretonnians Game week 2

Well how ya's getting on?
So after last weeks defeat at the hands of the Lizard men (see result here) we needed to get some points on the board. Up this week we had a game against a Bretonnian team called The Blessed Lords
 The Blessed Lords
What a handsome bunch the Bretonnian lads are

Blood Bowl 2 Clan Skurvy Vs Lizardmen Game Week 1

Well how ya's getting on?
Ah Blood Bowl the game that everyone used to love but no longer available. But now its out on the PlayStation 4 and i managed to get myself a copy! Im gonna start this post with a little bit about my experience with this game starting off. Now i have never played any version of Blood Bowl before so there was quiet a learning curve i had to get used to but after getting a few games under my belt and sorting out the bugs the game has I LOVE IT!